Connect your Arma Reforger server to Discord with our powerful mod. Monitor server activity, track player interactions, and manage your community - all in real-time.
Reforger LinkAPPToday at 16:10
💀 Killed by player
Player1 was killed by Player2
Reforger LinkAPPToday at 16:10
🎮 Player has joined
Player3 has joined the server
Reforger LinkAPPToday at 16:10
🎮 Player has left
Player3 has left the server
Reforger LinkAPPToday at 16:10
🎮 Player has been kicked
Player2 has been kicked from the server
Reforger LinkAPPToday at 16:10
🎮 Player has been banned by Admin
Player1 has been banned from the server
Reforger LinkAPPToday at 16:10
🌐 Server has shutdown or crashed
We detected the server has either stopped or has crashed, may need to force a restart if this is unexpected.
Reforger LinkAPPToday at 16:10
🌐 Server has started and is online
We can reach the server, stats should update shortly.
Elevate your Arma Reforger server management with powerful Discord integration and real-time monitoring tools.
Seamlessly relay in-game events to your Discord server in real-time.
Capture a wide range of events including kills, joins, leaves, bans, and kicks.
Keep track of server starts, stops, and potential crashes.
Monitor live ping and player count directly in your Discord channel.